“Tiada beriman seorang kamu hinggalah kamu menyintai saudara kamu sepertimana kamu menyintai diri kamu sendiri”.
To be loved by everyone is something wonderful but in order to pursue for that way is not easy. It needs patience, perseverance, noble heart and also skills. We humans are all different in every aspect so do I. one particular thing that we might think is fine is bad for other person. People see things differently. That’s why human are unique and along the way to be ‘perfect’, we are regularly bake by mistakes and experience which actually make us a step matured.
Today my friends and I just finished conciliate the two hearts. The plan to let them sit together and express both feeling finally achieved. It is totally difficult to be mediator to our own friends. You really need to understand both sides’ condition. Ability to play with words and heart are the primary skill that one’s has to acquire. Here is when the communication skills should be applied. Yeah, as we know in Al-Quran also mentioned that
“Sebenarnya orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara, maka damaikanlah di antara dua saudara kamu (yang bertelingkah) itu; dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat”. (Al-Hujuraat:10).
So we as friends really couldn’t bare to see our friends in that situation. For me they are neither to be blamed nor be pampered. They are the victims of confusion they unconsciously made. How sad, if no friends to help and support who else you think much better. Beside Allah as our main savior, people around should aware with the problem because we actually involve and responsible in that case. In the other hand, we as Muslim are required to take care of our own friends.
Thank God, the process going on smoothly and we managed to settle them. I hope the arguments will never happen again and at the same time, I remind myself to. What I learned is, care about our relationship with Allah and human as well because that are the things that count our level of faith actually. May Allah help us to remain good till our last breath. AMIN.
1 day ago
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